Michał Rój homepage

Welcome to my university homepage.

I was a student (1996-2002), PhD student (2002-2007) and an employee (research project contractor 2006-2009, research assistant 2009, assistant professor 2010-2013) at Institute of Telecommunications at Warsaw University of Technology (WUT).

Currently I am no longer employed at WUT. I am a senior engineer at Samsung R&D Institute Poland.

At the time of university activity my research interests included:
  • semantic technologies (such as Semantic Web, and Semantic Web Services)
  • ontological modelling and conceptual abstractions
  • mobile and pervasive services
  • programming and service abstractions for pervasive computing and telecommunications
In more detail, my research activities were focused on two things:
  • Modeling of the semantics of application programming interfaces (APIs), applications of semantic-rich models in software development, new use cases and methods. In this area I develop ideas initially started during my work on doctorate (completed in 2010, entitled Ontology-based representation of APIs for facilitating programming)
  • Context-aware (esp. location-based) services which can be built on top of popular smartphone-based programmable platforms. Numerous small projects I run (e.g. developed in several student groups) are, e.g., middleware platforms, applications and tools (e.g. editors for supporting location-based service development).
For more information about my results, please look into the publications section.

More information about my work can be found at the following links:
My (former and current) university activities

You can contact me at: