Amiga SmartFileSystem, Linux implementation =========================================== ASFS is a Amiga Smart FileSystem driver for Linux. It supports reading files and directories. From version 1.0 there is also an experimental (almost full) write support. Experimental means that it hasn't been tested enough yet, so use it with care. Symbolic links (in AmigaOS called soft links) are also supported read/write. Read notes below about symlinks support. Unsupported features of Amiga SFS ================================ ASFS currently does not support safe-delete feature of Amiga SFS filesystem. It simply deletes files instead of moving them to ".recycled" directory. It also doesn't remove files from ".recycled" directory, when there is no space left on drive. If there is no space left, you need to manually remove files from ".recycled" directory. Also if you want to delete a file in a safe way, you need to move it to ".recycled" directory by hand. Because of all of above, the amount of free space on disk does not include space used by all files from ".recycled" directory. Limitations =========== There is no Amiga protection bits into Linux permission bits tranlation and vice versa. If you need this feature, mail me. ASFS will always keep some amount of blocks free. This means that you cannot fill the drive completely. It is because Amiga SFS uses some special methods of writing data (called safe write), which needs some additional free space. File systems with unfinished transactions (this happens when system crashed during writing data to disk on AmigaOS/MorphOS) will be mounted read-only to protect data. The only way to fix such filesystem is to mount it under AmigaOS or MorphOS. Do not try to mount and write to filesystem with errors. Bad things will happen. Mount options for the ASFS ========================== setuid=uid This sets the owner of all files and directories in the file system to uid. setgid=gid Same as above, but for gid. mode=mode Sets the mode flags to the given (octal) value. Directories will get an x permission if the corresponding r bit is set. The default mode is 0644, which means that everybody are allowed to read files, but only root can write to them. (for directories this means also that search bits are set). prefix=path Path will be prefixed to every absolute path name of symbolic links on an ASFS/AFFS partition. Default = "/". (See below.) volume=name When symbolic links with an absolute path are created on an ASFS/AFFS partition, name will be prepended as the volume name. Default = "" (empty string). (See below.) lowercasevol Translate all volume names in symlinks to lower case. Disabled by default. (See below.) iocharset=name Character set to use for converting file names. Specifies character set used by your Linux system. codepage=name Set the codepage number for converting file names. Specifies character set used by your Amiga. Use full name (for example 'cp1251' instead of '1251') here, this allows to specify any character set, not only numbered one (like 'iso8859-2'). Use special name 'none' to disable the NLS file name translation. Symbolic links ============== Although the Amiga and Linux file systems resemble each other, there are some, not always subtle, differences. One of them becomes apparent with symbolic links. While Linux has a file system with exactly one root directory, the Amiga has a separate root directory for each file system (for example, partition, floppy disk, ...). With the Amiga, these entities are called "volumes". They have symbolic names which can be used to access them. Thus, symbolic links can point to a different volume. ASFS turns the volume name into a directory name and prepends the prefix path (see prefix option) to it. When option "lowercasevol" is set, it also translates volume names to lower case. If the volume name is the same as a name given in "volume" option, it will be ignored and an absolute path will be created. Example: You mount all your Amiga partitions under /amiga/ (where is the name of the volume), and you give options `prefix="/amiga/",volume="Linux",lowercasevol' when mounting all your ASFS partitions. (They might be "User", "WB" and "Graphics", the mount points /amiga/user, /amiga/wb and /amiga/graphics). A symbolic link referring to "USER:sc/include/dos/dos.h" will be translated to "/amiga/user/sc/include/dos/dos.h". A symbolic link referring to "Linux:etc/fstab" will be translated to "/etc/fstab". If you create a symlink referring to "/amiga/graphics/data/pict.jpg", it will be saved as "graphics:data/pict.jpg". If you create a symlink referring to "/boot/", it will be saved as "Linux:boot/". Other information ================= Supported block sizes are: 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096 bytes. Larger blocks speed up almost everything at the expense of wasted disk space. The speed gain above 4K seems not really worth the price, so you don't lose too much here, either. This file system has been tested on Motorola PPC and 68k, as well as Intel x86 systems. I don't know, if it works on other Linux systems. This filesystem is in BETA STAGE. This means that driver MIGHT corrupt or damage data on your disk. Remember! YOU USE IT ON YOUR OWN RISK! I made almost all I could to minimalize this risk. On my systems several gigabytes has been succesfully copied from and to SFS disks. I would also appreciate any infomation if this filesystem works on your system or not. See next paragraph for my email. Some parts of this documentation has been adapted from AFFS driver docs. Author, contact and copyright infos =================================== ASFS has been written by Marek 'March' Szyprowski < marek /at/ amiga . pl > Mail me if you have any suggestions or found a bug. Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005 Marek 'March' Szyprowski < marek /at/ amiga . pl > Thanks to Marcin Kurek (Morgoth/Dreamolers-CAPS) for help and parts of original amiga version of SmartFilesystem source code. SmartFilesystem is copyrighted (C) 2003,2004 by: John Hendrikx, Ralph Schmidt, Emmanuel Lesueur, David Gerber and Marcin Kurek The ASFS driver is realased under the terms of of the GNU General Public License. See source code for more details.