Package Test

Class Summary
Arithmetic Class to maintain main alghorytmic operations, and mathematic calculations.
ArrayTaker This class describes and maintain main operations witch array of pixels of proccesed image.
CreateGrayFPImage This application creates a gray image in memory (as an matrix of floats) and save it on a file.
CreateGrayImage This application creates a gray-level image in memory and store it in a file.
CreateSimplePattern This application creates a color image in memory (as an matrix of ints) and save it on a file.
ImageCanvas Deprecated. as of 1.1
NewJFrame This code was edited or generated using CloudGarden's Jigloo SWT/Swing GUI Builder, which is free for non-commercial use.
SampleDescriptor A single class that is both an OperationDescriptor and a RenderedImageFactory along with the one OpImage it is capable of creating.